And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Welcome to my webpage. It feels strange to write that, as it's yet a foreign phrase to me. Oops. I think I just gave away that I'm still somewhat technologically challenged. Forget I said that.
I've created this on a whim. That and some encouragement from friends (thanks, Trace!) and family (thanks, Jen!). I'm told it will be easier to keep track of me, as I'm somewhat of a "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Please tell me that you understand the reference. I'm not that old or obscure, am I?
Currently (as in, this very moment) I'm in Grand Rapids, MI: the city I consider to be my hometown. In one week from today, however, I'm taking off for the city I consider as my second hometown: Busan, Korea. Good to be home, good to go back.
What I'll probably do is post my old emails about my very recent travels in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and India. I say probably because I always have very good intentions that often fail to become reality. I'm still looking for someone else to blame. If (IF!) I do that, I'll then attempt to put pictures on it. Once again, I'm being optimistic about my abilities. Anyway, that would help you to catch up on my life. The emails are long and laborious, but I have faith in your abilities. No, that's a lie; I'm just supposed to say that, right? If you can keep a secret, I'm just milking my opportunity for an attentive audience.
Subsequent postings will be in the form of my life in Korea; something I never had time to write anyone about when I was actually there the first year. Enjoy!
With love,


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