And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I'm NOT Dead

Ok, this is a two minute post to assert most forcefully that no, I have not died and no, I am not being held captive somewhere by terrorists. Life has exploded in such a way that all free time has been quite effectively usurped. It was last night when I awoke from a strange dream of my dad flying to Busan to rescue me from the clutches of a nefarious evil-doer that I realized I should at least inform people of my being alive. I've just been so very busy. So very busy and without internet. With those forces working against me, I haven't been one to email or update.

I'm sorry!

But now my two minutes are up, so I have to abandon you again. Albeit more temporarily this time. Some will have noticed that I have caved and am on facebook. Rather, I was with friends who decided to sign me up. Either way, I hope to use that soon to make contact. For those on email, I have so far reduced my inbox from 256 unread emails to 179, though I have so far replied to none. Allow me to promise I will likewise do that soon.

For anyone who still bothers to check this thing, know that I love you (unless, of course, I do not know you), and hope to make contact again soon. Alright, I have a class coming up. I've got to run!


Blogger Mrs. McKee said...

Good to know you're still alive. I was getting worried.

5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great to know you're alive, after all the bad news involving foreigners in the region, you can't blame people for worrying! see you around

1:24 PM  
Blogger Aubrey's dad said...

Thank goodness! I'll cancel my flight to Busan. Love you,

11:35 AM  
Blogger Dan, Tracy, Gracelyn & Olivia said...

I am so super glad that you are alive and well enough to be that busy. We miss you and are hoping for some great news that sooner rather than later you will be gracing us with your presence?!!! Graice has yet to meet her cool aunt Aubrey with all the rgeat stories of faraway lands. Please let us know what you are up to, we have been seriously deprived without you. Loves!!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Todd and Rachel said...

So, at the risk of sounding like a stalker, I've checked your page almost every day since discovering you. Well, maybe not every day. I haven't looked in a couple weeks. But I just really want to catch up and don't want to miss my chance. It's been way too long. So, when you do get back online and can spend an adequate amount of time reading all your e-mails and stuff, look me up I also found you on MySpace (via a link to one of your friends' pages). I have Steph, Jenny Stapf, and Rita as friends, so you'll definitely want to check my page out.
Love you!

5:24 PM  
Blogger Rob Sack said...

She's back.

Sort of.

We'll see.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey aubs,

Thanks for re-surfacing! I was really wondering about where you had gone to... my e-mails in the past month or two have been returned (sounds like your in-box is full) and I don't have your phone number. Get ahold of us sometime... as you can guess, we have some news for you...

Love Joanna, Gabriel, and ?

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know..
as long as ur respiratory system allows u to inhale the most valuable resource called air and to daringly exhale CO2 that does nothing good but making me cough a lil more on the other side of the planet, i KNOW that u r alive somewhere doing wonderful things!

I also hav to blame myself for not keepin' in touch w/ people..but i'm sure u understand how that's bitch n u die, right?

Good to know that u r using up some of my resource to stay alive!

Much luv,

P.S. I'll b in town soon so plz let me know how i can reach u!

3:16 AM  

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