And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Friday, July 21, 2006

33 Fleeting Hours Later

This is the time that it took me to travel from my home in Busan, South Korea, to my dad's in Valparaiso, Indiana (USA). Taxi to train to bus to plane to plane to bus to car. Wow. It sounds vaguely like a Dr. Seuss plot. If only I had a multi-colored breakfast to accompany my travels. "I would not eat them on a train, I would not eat them in a plane, I would not eat them here or there, I would not eat them..." Well, you know how it ends.

It was all remarkably uneventful, even though I missed two complete nights in a bed. No worries. I caught sleep where I could, often semi-vertically. And in the Tokyo-Narita airport, I sneakily claimed an entire bench, sleeping in the coveted horizontal position while listening to my Ipod (shock, disbelief) and hugging my belongings. I must have looked like a vagrant. Last night provided 12 sweet hours of sweet sleep.

I think my great send-offs helped, because I was able to spend time with so many dear friends in Busan before I left. I hung out with Liz, Mel, and Dan on my last night in Busan, playing the quintessential Midwest card game, Euchre. Dear Michiganders! Previously that day, I was able to lunch with Edwin, then have dinner with Kate and Esther. Then on Wednesday, the very day I was to leave, I was quite productive, going for a rainy day run, then doing yoga, attempting preparation for an extended period of sitting. Jen baked me the most awesome cookies for my trip, then Ang shared her Tim Tams (thanks, girls!). And dinner with Richard, who himself just returned from traveling, right before I took off for the train.

Tuesday, 10 p.m. The clock starts. The train ride was so very long, especially because I couldn't really sleep. I was continually afraid that I would miss my stop (how do you miss Seoul, anyway?) and end up in North Korea or something. I just wasn't too excited to alter my summer plans to hanging out with good old Kim Jeong. Thankfully Mike, a true night owl, kept me company with about a two hour phone conversation (thanks, Mike... now write on your blog again!).

Let's skip a lot of the travel information. It was two days that felt like twelve. The last ten minutes of the plane were the worst. We were late anyway, then they promised "just ten more minutes." Liars! Ten Korean minutes, maybe. Actually, it was fifteen, but it couldn't have felt longer. I swear, it could have beat out watching Titanic. Sorry if you're a Kate and Leo fan (but not that sorry). We end this tale of travel and adventure on Wednesday at 5 p.m. Central U.S. time, 7 p.m. in Korea. 33 hours of non-stop fun later.

But I'm here now and so inexpressibly glad to be back in America. Home. I have been at my dad's house and I'm having so much fun. I almost forgot how easy everything is at home. Did you remember, for example, that people have real conversations with each other, using full sentences and varied grammar... in English?! Yeah, I swear. And there is real sun, no umbrellas necessary (though we did have a beautiful thunder storm last night, like an angry old man disturbed from his slumber). And when you are outside, the air doesn't smell like car exhaust. Or, get this, that there are other blond people in the world?! Here I was starting to think I was the only one. I was lying out by the pool today and noticed that seven of the nine kids playing in the water were blonds. So my presence is all that much less special.

Well, I'm tired, so I will head to bed shortly. But I wanted to say that I am here and safe. I am excited to see my U.S. friends very soon! And to everyone in Korea, I love you and I will see you very soon, laden with gifts, of course! Squirtable cheese, anyone? Thanks, America!


Blogger J said...

hope you have a great holiday aubrey, sounds like an exhausting journey!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Ang said...

have a great time!

and here's hoping we can find that wine somewhere in 2001 or homeplus!

9:48 PM  
Blogger Dan, Tracy, Gracelyn & Olivia said...

Yeah Aubslee, I am so excited to hear that you are safe here at home. I can't wait to see you when you meander up here to MI. Loves bunches and call me- Tracy and Bubba

10:08 PM  
Blogger Kevin O said...

Have fun back home...I have one word to share with you..."envy."

Enjoy all things American....Busan will be here waiting for you!

10:35 AM  
Blogger Liz said...

I'm green with envy. Really.

1:04 PM  

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