And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Monday, October 30, 2006

A Tlut in Breath-taking Footwear

It was one of those weekends. You know what sort of weekend I'm talking about. The kind where you dress up like Juicy Couture, then go out to hang out with movie stars, rock stars, pirates, fairies, and walking Soju bottles. The kind of weekend where you take a trip to the countryside for some hiking Japanese-tourist style. The sort of weekend that you have some wine with the Europeans while watching the sun set over the city, then go to a party to have some more wind with the Europeans. The kind of weekend that you invent new words after yet again losing spectacularly at Trivia. You know. That sort of weekend.

Very typical, I know. Yet what else is there to do when the weather begins to turn, kissing colors into the leaves, suggesting that the sweaters be pulled from their shelves, wrapping shivers around exposed skin? Given the weather and hints at the fireworks in the foliage, I feel somewhat nostalgic and am reminded of being home. It's like being ten again, donning a jacket and rolling into freshly raked leaves. Not that I would do that here, though...

On Thursday, Emily, Liz, Mel, and I celebrated this feeling by baking delicious apple pie and beginning a paper mache pinata. Then, given that Halloween is approaching, we attended a Halloween party on Friday night. I valiantly attempted to post pictures with this, but since Blogger hates me, I had to settle just for my Flickr account (see left margin). My favorite party attendees were Michael Bolton (yes, he sang; yes, he melted the ladies' hearts), Chuck Norris (fact: guns don't kill people; Chuck Norris kills people), an overly enthusiastic pirate, a black angel, and part of the cast of Life Aquatic. It's the well-tested recipe for fun.

At trivia last night, I finally conclusively proved that I am the weakest link. Having shown up late, I joined a team which included Pierre, Ang, and her visiting parents; they performed rather well in the first round. As soon as I declared myself a team member, however, we quickly sank. Dead last. Again.

But the night was not a total loss. In talking with Liz, Kevin, Tom, and Jen afterward, we were able to invent a new word. Tlut. A word amalgamation, it was created with the unification of "toe" and "slut." After Liz began admiring her shoes, Tom reinforced her sentiments by saying they were "stunning". After discussing Liz's stunning pair of shoes for a few minutes, we moved on to mine, which Tom deemed "breath-taking." I suggested that it's even better, albeit somewhat risque, with fully undressed feet. After some begging and pleading done by them, I daintily removed a single toe from my shoe. From thereon, I was deemed a "toe slut". "Tlut" came naturally from that. And so went my normal not-so-normal weekend. Always fun.

Have a great Halloween, everyone, and be sure to keep your feet well-covered. We wouldn't want to be too salacious.


Blogger Liz said...

You're such a tlut.

And I just finished looking at your pictures. And I can't believe we actually went out in public looking like that. Whoa.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Kevin O said...

We are a big crew of "Tluts" aren't we????? need tv! just Google "tvu software" a download site should pop up. Its a free and small piece of software...then you have lots of free tv at your fingertips!!!

1:59 AM  
Blogger segovia said...

My dreams of late have been horizoned with delicate forests of slender toes!! What witchery has befixed my miserable psyche with such impiety?! What vile Temptress!?!

No seriously, the shoes kicked ass! And the toes..riveting!

Tom "the footwear word guy"

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but your Halloween post was so much more eloquent than mine!

12:01 PM  
Blogger Jen Galicinski said...

nice-uh post-uh. ya tlut-uh.

12:49 AM  
Blogger Rob Sack said...

We just had dinner with an old friend of mine who, as far as I know, coined the term "toe cleavage" as a point of feminine magnetism.

Nuthin' like a tlut showing lots of toe cleavage.

12:26 AM  

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