I'm NOT Dead
Ok, this is a two minute post to assert most forcefully that no, I have not died and no, I am not being held captive somewhere by terrorists. Life has exploded in such a way that all free time has been quite effectively usurped. It was last night when I awoke from a strange dream of my dad flying to Busan to rescue me from the clutches of a nefarious evil-doer that I realized I should at least inform people of my being alive. I've just been so very busy. So very busy and without internet. With those forces working against me, I haven't been one to email or update.
I'm sorry!
But now my two minutes are up, so I have to abandon you again. Albeit more temporarily this time. Some will have noticed that I have caved and am on facebook. Rather, I was with friends who decided to sign me up. Either way, I hope to use that soon to make contact. For those on email, I have so far reduced my inbox from 256 unread emails to 179, though I have so far replied to none. Allow me to promise I will likewise do that soon.
For anyone who still bothers to check this thing, know that I love you (unless, of course, I do not know you), and hope to make contact again soon. Alright, I have a class coming up. I've got to run!