My Brother
My brother, Daane, leaves for the Appalachian Trail today. In my accurate and very unbiased opinion, there's no guy on earth (or likely elsewhere) who's better than my brother. He's so adorable, but unaffected by it. He's incredibly thoughtful to everyone around him, though he does manage to be worse at keeping in contact than even me. He's also very smart and has such natural insight, especially for someone that young (he's 20). And he has the best sense of humor of anyone I know. No one can make me laugh quite like Daane. I'm just crazy about him. You would be too. Here's a picture...

See? I told you! I'm such a lucky sister.
Well, I said already that he is leaving to hike the Appalachian Trail. He and my cousin Chad are doing the entire trail, North to South, which takes about 5 months. That's almost half a year of hiking. "Why?" you may rightly ask. Well, it's more than his intense love of the outdoors or his own travel bug disease that motivate this. You see, they're doing this to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, an organization that supports breast cancer research and education. My Aunt Sharon, Chad's mom, is a breast cancer survivor and Chad has unwaveringly supported her throughout her ordeal (Chad's awesome, too... I could brag about him for a while as well!). So he got the idea for him, Daane, and another friend to hike the trail to raise money; they're calling it "Hike for the Cure".
I'm inexpressibly proud of him, of both of them! I love you boys and I'm praying for your safety. I can't wait to hear how you grow and change through everything you will encounter there.
Your sister/cousin,
What a great brother you have, the site they have is great. I feel updated already. Let Daane and is friends know they will be in our prayers all summer long for fun and safety for sure. Do you remember Aaron VanSoest? His brother and some friends are hiking the entire trail this summer too. They have been hiking for awhile already, Aaron even joined them for a week. Loves, Tracy
Hey baby,
We just got into our first town and I have to say I've never been so excited to get to a town with less that 1000 people. We got here a day late b/c we've had rain for the past 7 days including one night where we got 2inches. Needless to say there were flash floods, making the rivers almost impossible to ford so our 13 mile average was cut to 10. Over the last 10 days the trail has shown us the hardest terrain I've ever seen. We've seen everything from miles of flooded trail and so many exposed roots that if you misstep just once you’re quite likely the sprain or break an ankle. To the most uneven jagged rocks I've seen much less had to walk over. We have also been through terribly muddy bogs with thousands of mosquitoes that laugh at you when you hit them and eat DEET as an appetizer before devouring your flesh. Even through all of the hardships, climbing to the tops of the mountains and seeing the breathtaking views makes it all worth it. Thank you for all your love and support and I hope you’re having a wonderful time in Korea. I LOVE YOU
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