And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Belated Everything

As you may have deduced, I am again back in Korea. I assumed that, given I had 1 1/2 weeks before my rigorous work schedule resumed, I would have plenty of time to blog. But, as a Master Procrastinator, I have thus far managed to avoid this task. I've spent time with friends instead. Which is good. Because after such an amazing trip home, it was really, exceptionally, extremely, (insert additional superlatives here) hard to come back. But in coming back, I realize that I also love my friends here, and I think that's very healthy to know. Good for me.

And so Procrastination Girl returns to the computer. Yet showcasing her trepidation at commitment, refuses to pledge to a full post. So you get my belated post about, well, nothing, really. Can I post about merely procrastinating? About not calling people I need to call, or not working on what should be done, or not planning various days that might appreciate the effort? About waking up in a very schedule-oriented manner (8 or 9 am every morning), but then filling the day with various busy nothings? And anyone who is a procrastinator (which, given that you are reading this post, I assume you are) will understand this and why it has been such a wonderful week for me. To put off is to allow so many more unexpected pleasures.

Yesterday, for example, I chose to go hiking in the morning rather than clean my apartment. And on Tuesday, I lay on the beach all day rather than preparing anything for school. I have seen many friends and spent time relaxing in this country that is my quasi-home. To move aside from any sarcasm whatsoever, to be perfectly candid, it has been really hard to come back. I miss home. All of my annoyances and frustrations that I hoped were a product of being over-tired and would be rectified in going home waited for me upon my arrival at the airport. As I stated earlier, I love my friends here. And they are my life-blood in this country. Because, to play the role of the embittered, jaded old woman, I find that I just don't like Korea anymore.

That being said and accepted, however, I have decided to recognize it, yet not dwell upon it. There are too many good aspects to living here to focus on the trivial annoyances that confront me. Yesterday during the hike, I breathed the clean fresh air so dense with humidity that the wild scents meandered lazily in the heat. This morning I returned to my old school, SLP, to see my kids at the monthly birthday party. As I surveyed the room, smiling at the shrieks of "Aubrey-teacher, Aubrey-teacher!" and little heads twisting back to see me, I realized that I need to be with this age group. My job is great, really. Who could complain at three months of paid vacation? But I miss those kids so much. Junior high just isn't my thing. And tonight, my friends are throwing me a belated birthday party. A room full of people who are really important to me.

So while this is not the place I hope to settle, I strive for the contentment in all the good that is here. At my heart, I am an optimist. And although I've been describing the empty space that hovers in the top half of my glass, I cling tightly to the knowledge of the sweet, delicious life that resides in the bottom half.


Blogger Liz said...

yes, you are indeed an optimist. ;)

even though coming back to korea is undoubtedly a bit of a letdown, i'm so glad you're back that i could, like, cry. (... and i'm unashamedly laughing out loud at myself at the moment.)

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there for a while..get back into a schedule. If it doesn't improve do NOT put yourself through another year and a half (and then some) of Korea. Don't exhaust yourself trying to be positive about it. If you are not happy there maybe it is time to move on to something else. It is OKAY Aubrey!!!!

7:53 AM  
Blogger Rob Sack said...

I agree with Jessica. It's not worth staying unless you fall in love and get married and have a baby that refreshes your heart to face the world.

That said, I apologize for commenting on your entry so late. I would like to say that I was trying to keep in the spirit of the post itself, but I'm too honest (and not smart enough) to get away with that.

It's good to read the Aublog again, good to see you in church again, and sad not to have time to sit down and chat again.

10:31 PM  

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