And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Friday, June 02, 2006

My Friends

To my friends:
My "Goodbye" post caused me to continue considering just what relationships mean in my life. I started to think of all the people I've ever left: in GR, in Valpo, at Spring Hill, at Calvin. How everyone has taken such a part in my life, played an intense role in shaping how I think, in building who I am. And not just building who I am, I suppose. They're all individuals who make me to be me. Largely, I identify myself by my past. They are memories of these people and places that shaped my personality, that taught me how to relate and react. From them, I learned myself: what I like or dislike, how I will respond, how I view life. They are me.

But I am a person who lets relationships fall to the wayside given time and distance. I am wholly untalented at maintaining long-distance relationships, regardless of what the person means to me. Yet those people never actually leave my life. Did you know that I get flashes of memories at times, triggered unexpectedly, that are so powerful I must pause and allow them to play in my mind again? Someone with whom I haven't spoken in months or even years reappears to replay a scene that has evident or imperceptible significance in my life. These people who exist in silence and distance for me maintain a ghostly relationship with continuing power to affect my thoughts and send a reminiscent pain coursing through my heart. I think of them, of you, and wonder where you are and what you're doing. I wonder who you have become. And then I taste regret at your absence and wish that you could remain active participants in my life; you are a part of me.

I consider too the people who are in my life now in Korea. Like those from my past, they all play a unique role in affecting me and I love them uniquely for that. A similar phenomenon to the intense replaying of unbidden memories occurs with me at unexpected moments when I am with a person. Not always, therefore I am perpetually surprised by the occurrences. There are moments when I am with a friend, listening to them, when suddenly I am struck so strongly with a deep realization of love for them. Sometimes I tell them; sometimes I don't. With certain friendships, interrupting the conversation to say, "By the way, I love you," would afford only a period of uncomfortable silence. Voicing such sentiments takes certain conditions and understanding within a relationship. But we all know that. Anyway, I'm looking at this person and suddenly the power of time stalls and I see how I need them, how grateful I am for them, how incredible and extraordinary they are, how I admire certain qualities in them. And then time realizes its slumber and jolts to start again. But I am caught in the afterglow of the revelation and for a bit see them differently, until time works diligently to dull those sentiments.

For some friends this inevitably occurs more frequently. Whenever it surfaces, though, I am thankful. It's like I'm really seeing them beyond any facade. I consider it and I can't believe the incredible people I know all around the world. I started to name individuals in my life and write about qualities in them that I so admire, but then realized it's not necessarily an appropriate topic, especially to be posted to the internet; each person should choose to whom they reveal themselves. Further, I could never adequately describe the qualities that so deeply affect me, especially as I invariably overlook numerous traits, focusing instead on my illusions of my own self-importance. I would do each person an injustice. But I wish I could share all the incredible qualities of all the people I care about with everyone else.

I'm awed continuously by you. And I'm infinitely grateful to know you. I say this with deepest sincerity and honesty. Thank you for the role you play in my life.

Your friend,


Blogger Dan, Tracy, Gracelyn & Olivia said...

Aubslee, I love you too dear. Truly and Forever, we are soul sisters or whatever cheesy name you want to give it. I feel so many of the same things. Loves, Tracy

2:20 PM  
Blogger Jen Galicinski said...

by the way, I LOVE YOU TOO!!!

seriously, you are indeed a Godsend in the deepest and most sincere meaning of the word. Thanks for listening to me and allowing me to laugh and vent and cry with you the last 3 months...

I'm so excited that we're both going to be in Korea for the next year a maybe more!

I know what you mean about being blessed by all the people you know, I feel the same way about all the people that God has allowed me to know.

K that's it, I'm risking writing a blog entry of my own here! see you soon!

4:12 PM  
Blogger Rob Sack said...


While it is true that a random (sounding) "By the way, I love you," can lead to long akward silences, it's not as bad as the silences caused by saying (once again, randomly) "By the way, the weasles are coming, and they want some cheese. Badly."


I also very much appreciate your presence in my life. I think you are right on with your comments about friendships here. After more than 10 years of it, I wonder what it will be like to live someplace where most people don't drift in and out of the country?

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey aubrey,
it has been so long since i have written to you. It is almost summer time and i am super pumped. Cant wait to go blueberry picking! Ill have to freeze some more for you! Is it nice in Korea? hopefully because it has been really nice here. On memorial day it was like 95. Everyone got burnt while at the cottage.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Aubrey
I feel honored to be invited to read this beautifully written messasge. The articulated words also helped me reflect on those who have shaped me, including you.
I just met you and got to know a little bit, but I am so excited about having you in my life already. You're already a part of my life, and I'm so curious how deeply this summer will build our relationship!
I love you already, and I so know that I will love you more and more the better I get to know you.

11:13 PM  

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