And Aubrey Was Her Name...

Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing; take away the words that rhyme, it doesn't mean a thing.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Shut Up

I'm beginning to think that I probably write too much. I feel badly for anyone who visits my blog; I can only imagine that they must go to my page, scroll ten pages to the end of a single post and sigh heavily, rolling their eyes, as they read only the first and last paragraphs, which usually amount to a normal person's single post.

This suspicion extends to my talking as well. Yesterday Pastor Ben noted in his sermon that the average person spends 1/5 of their life talking. Men use 20,000 words per day; women use 30,000. Jokingly, I commented later that I must speak at least double that. But everyone just kind of smiled and nodded in a way that clearly says, "Yes, Aubrey, that's true." Oops.

So I'm thinking I should heed the advice of the ever sagacious Black Eyed Peas and just shut up.

In an attempt at being concise, I'll quickly comment on what a glorious weekend this was. I spent the bulk of it on the beach, as the weather was perfect. Since summer in Korea is officially finished on the calendar, few Koreans now go, even in the best weather. So it's perfect for us rule breaking foreigners.

On Saturday at Songjeong beach, Mel brought her guitar, so we (as in Liz, Emily, Ang, and I) sang very girl powered songs while she played. It was fun, especially because all these women have such beautiful voices. I, meanwhile, tried not to sing too loudly, so as not to break the facade that we all have talent.

On Sunday after group, I joined Mel, Liz, and Dan (buncha Michiganders) on Haeundae beach for some more relaxing and guitar playing. The beach was littered with foreigners because a throng of American soldiers had come down for Labor Day weekend (which, not surprisingly when one considers their workhorse ethic, Koreans do not celebrate). We had a couple of groups come over, which actually can be a bit irksome. I don't like the feeling of being in a meat market; I would rather just hang around with friends. Though I would venture to say this feeling is not atypical of most women (Mel and Liz most heartily concurred). But some of the guys were entertaining, especially in a way that causes American culture to rush back like a tidal wave.

At night, Liz, Kevin, and I, teaming up this time with Dan, Mel, and Jake, did Trivia again, beating our old shamefully poor record of 3rd to last by placing 2nd to last, a place that grabs the coveted M&M prize. Mysteriously, however, this has been replaced with a disappointing bag of onion rings. So our feat was not quite as great as we had assumed.

Well, looks like I failed to keep it short again. Next time I'll just have to try harder to be succinct. That, or I could really just shut up.


Blogger Liz said...

It really was a fun weekend, wasn't it? Even trivia night, in all of its make-us-look-like-idiots glory. It's undoubtedly the most positive way to start the week.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Dan, Tracy, Gracelyn & Olivia said...

Well then there are some of us who treasure the time spent reading your blog as time spent with you. Loves and thanks for the prayers. A tough week for sure. You are the greatest.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aubs,

I'm caught up again... good to see and share in your wandering and ponderings of the past weeks/month! I hope you are saving all of these yourself as well... print them out sometime! I kept an e-journal when I was in Israel (e-mailed myself the group e-mails I was sending out to others) and I am thankful for that now. Your writing is creative and witty enough that I'll be even your grandchildren will be interested in it! (Now, that's a compliment!!)

Love ya girl!

11:00 AM  

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